Tree Recording

Trees are valuable assets in our community. They provide the pleasant visual “green and leafy” environment that we locals value as well as food and habitat for a range of fauna and flora. Trees reduce the affects of pollution; reduce the likelihood of flooding; lock up carbon; generate oxygen and moderate high and low ambient temperatures for the creatures beneath them. The older the tree the more it contributes. There are many trees along our green corridors.

Recording trees in our area aims to map the significant trees in and around Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale. This will give us a record of our trees; habitat features; identify any particularly interesting specimens and flag up concerns including diseases and pests affecting the trees. We have recorded about over 500 mature trees primarily along our green corridors since 2017 when we started this work.

Recording trees is also intended to be a pleasant social activity that gets people outdoors appreciating the natural environment.

If you would like to find out what we do please email and you can come along to one of our group surveys to find out more. We survey monthly from April to September. 

2024 Dates:   All Thursdays 10 am -12 o'clock unless noted otherwise

April 11th

May 9th

June 27th starting 4 pm

August 15th

September 12th

Map showing trees we have recorded to December 2023

Woodland Trust Ancient and Veteran Tree Record Map is linked here

Click here to see RBWM Tree team's interactive map showing planned tree maintenance and planting across the borough.

Useful Smart phone Apps:

Grid Reference finder

Woodland Trust Tree Identification

OPAL tree disease and pest identification and guidance

Wildlife in Ascot tree recording reference information files below

Wildlife in Ascot Tree Recorders Handbook Nov2021.pdf

Wildlife in Ascot Tree Recorder's Handbook

WiA Tree Recording form.pdf

Wildlife in Ascot Tree Recording Form

Tree identification from Winter twigs.pdf

Guide to identify trees from winter twigs

Tree disease identification aid.pdf

Wildlife in Ascot compiled information on tree pests and diseases

Some fungi identification.pdf

Information on common tree fungi to help with identification