Past Events

Please send any pictures and stories you have to share to

Saturday 10th August

We cleared overhanging brambles and branches from paths in the eastern woodland before heading for a pond survey/dipping session at the pond which was dug 2 and 3 years ago and has still not got any vegetation growing around it. We were delighted to find 3 dragonfly nymph (likely to be hawker - we have seen adult southern hawkers in the woodland); 2 large and several smaller water beetles; plenty of midge larvae & water mites and pond skaters. Our OPAL score was 21, indicating a healthy pond. This confirms our intention to let nature take its course and not plant around the pond (yet!) We walked round the field noting flowering wildflowers but conditions were not right for pollinator counts

Thursday 1st August

Thanks to Des Sussex of the Crown Estate for a really interesting Swinley Forest nature walk marking Thames Basin Heaths Week. Quite a few butterflies including grayling; lots of dragonflies with identification tips and the long winged cone-head bush cricket 

Saturday 13th July

Conservation work at Allens Field - Work continued reducing the growth of the invasive rhododendron in the south west corner of woodland. We were able to get the roots out as the rhodo is weakened from continuous removal of leaves. We are winning! Volunteers also filled in what must have been a sinkhole in the middle of path and removed some large pieces of rubbish, including a crate, to near the bin in the carpark.

Wednesday 17th July

Working Party at Ascot Heath Primary School - Infant school wildlife garden. This time we were very pleased to host a team from Boehringer volunteering to help maintain this space for the children's nature education. The mud kitchen was refurbished and the other main task was to remove brambles also at the Junior school.

Tuesday 30th July

Silwood Park Bugs, Birds and Beast Day.  We had a very hot day at Silwood this year! Lots of families visited taking part in the bug hunts and pond dipping as well as visiting our table for colouring in and chatting about local wildlife.

Friday 14th June

A small group went to Chobham Common to try and hear and see nightjars. A cuckoo was very active, moving round the area until it got quite dark. A dartford warbler was clearly heard close by for quite a while but not spotted however a male stonechat obligingly sat atop a small bush for everyone to have a good look at. Nightjars churred a little as it became gloomy then two birds were clearly seen and their distinctive "clap" heard as they flew around together. It was light enough to see their colouring. After that some more, but limited, churring was heard and common pipistrelle bats were detected near the trees on the way back to the cars.

Saturday 8th June

Conservation work at Allens Field - We spent most of our time cutting back fresh rhododendron shoots in southwestern part of the woodland and clearing the plant ingress on the edges of paths in the eastern section of the woodland. We also removed the fallen balustrade from the Eastern steps to take the protruding bolts out of the way and make it safer. It was too cold and cloudy for pollinator surveys.

Friday 7th and Saturday 8th June

Two groups took part in the Great UK WaterBlitz. We checked the NO3 and PO4 ie nitrate and phosphate levels at on the Cut at Blackmoor Pond; the stream coming out of Swinley Forest in Ascot Bog at the South Ascot recreation area and Little Stream which runs parallel to the A30 and through the woodland between Coworth and Whitmore Lane into Virginnia Water.  The levels were all very low except for the nitrate levels in Blackmoor pond which were moderate. All these water courses make their way to the Thames.  More information on this project here:

Wednesday 15th May 

Working Party at Ascot Heath Primary School - Infant school wildlife garden:  cut grass, turned and processed compost heaps, put compost into two tyres ie fig tree and empty tyre and weeded raised beds. 

Saturday 11th May 

Conservation work at Allens Field - we had a look at the nest boxes we installed 2 years ago and were pleased to be able to confirm that several were in use. We walked around the site identifying work to be done by ourselves and where we need RBWM action.

Green veined white at Allens Field

Sunday 5th May

Dawn Chorus walk in Mill Ride Golf Club.  A beautiful morning with 23 species heard/seen on International Dawn Chorus day!

Thursday 2nd May

Annual maintenance of the Carnation Hall pollinator patch next to the entrance. Weeding, planting and seed sowing. 

Dawn Chorus Walk

Carnation Hall Pollinator Patch

Sunday 14th April 

We had a lovely morning for our Dawn Chorus walk along the PROW beside Great Pond led by David Calcutt who identified the birdsong for us. We also saw a couple of racing roe deer, several grey squirrel and a muntjac. On our way back 3 swallows flew across in front of the group.

Saturday 13th April  

Conservation work at Allens Field - We extended the dead hedging protecting the pond and cut back new rhododendron and laurel growth. We also carried out the first pollinator count of the year, on a patch of flowering dandelions, using the National FIT survey technique.  

FIT count quadrant

orange ladybird - Halyzia sedecimguttata 

Thursday 21st March

Annual Maintenance on Victory Field wildflower patch. A lot of grass had grown so we cleared some patches and sowed more seeds as well as removing the dead stalks and some bamboo encroaching. Hopefully this will result in some summer colour for pollinators.

Wednesday 13th March

Working Party at Ascot Heath Primary School - Infant school wildlife garden. 

Saturday 9th March

Conservation work at Allens Field - We maintained the steps from the field into the woodland which had been affected by the rain and restored the fence protecting the pond from passing dogs.  

Monday 26th February

Wildlife in Ascot Quiz and social gathering at the Stag Pub in Ascot High Street. We had re cord numbers making up 16 teams. It was a bit of a squeeze with some in a second room and Malcolm did a fantastic job of running between the two making sure we all had the questions and answers. Congratulations to our winners: The Beggars from Binfield Environmental group.

Saturday 10th February 

Conservation work at Allens Field - We created a long dead-hedge style wood pile in the woods to clear the ground for plants to grow and provide insect habitat and bird cover. We also planted a few silver birch saplings. 

Wednesday 24th January

Working Party at Ascot Heath Primary School - Infant school wildlife garden.